Export Delaware Spearheads SUMURI's Strategic Expansion

Export Delaware Spearheads SUMURI’s Strategic Expansion

SUMURI LLC, a Delaware-based leader in digital forensic solutions, including hardware, software, training, and services, has recently embarked on a transformative business trip to Thailand and the Philippines, facilitated by Export Delaware. This initiative is part of a broader effort to extend SUMURI’s reach into Southeast Asia, a region experiencing substantial growth in defense and security—a prime market for their specialized services.

Jason Roslewicz, VP of Business Development at SUMURI, was quick to recognize the potential of joining an Export Delaware business trip. “Typically, business comes to us. We don’t know what we are missing around the world,” Roslewicz expressed, highlighting the untapped opportunities in international markets.


Meticulous Preparation Paves the Way

Export Delaware’s role was pivotal in preparing for the trip. Months in advance, their Southeast Asian team dedicated themselves to extensive market research and networking to align SUMURI with potential partners and customers. “It was nice to arrive in Bangkok and Manila with meetings set up for us!” Roslewicz shared. “They were 100 percent the right people we should be meeting with.” This preparation by Export Delaware allowed SUMURI to engage immediately with key stakeholders upon arrival.

Export Delaware’s structured approach ensured that no opportunity was overlooked. Roslewicz noted the advantage of this thorough preparation: “There was no way we could have set up these meetings on our own. You can’t cold-call the government.” This comment underscores the necessity of having local insights and connections, which Export Delaware provided.


The Value of Face-to-Face Meetings

The trip highlighted the irreplaceable value of face-to-face meetings in forging long-lasting business relationships. Roslewicz emphasized the depth of discussions enabled by personal interaction: “There are things they won’t tell you on Zoom or over the phone,” he pointed out. During these meetings, SUMURI was able to engage deeply with potential clients, not only about their products but also about the strategic considerations for entering the local market.

“We discussed the best path forward, which may include using our sister company in the Philippines to house our products for demos and warehousing. This is a win-win situation,” Roslewicz explained, outlining potential strategies for local engagement. This direct approach was further validated when a group from a local college’s public safety team, intrigued by their initial discussion, followed up with a visit to SUMURI’s sister company to demo the products firsthand. “They have a genuine interest in our product right now!” Roslewicz enthused, indicating the potential for accelerated sales cycles due to these direct engagements.

Additionally, the insights gained about local business operations were invaluable. Roslewicz learned about the electronic purchasing systems necessary for doing business with the government, a critical piece of information for navigating the bureaucratic landscape effectively. “We learned about the electronic purchasing system the government uses that we need to be on,” he noted, emphasizing the strategic knowledge gained.


Reflecting on a Productive Journey

Reflecting on his experience, Roslewicz was enthusiastic about the results and the potential for future trips. “It was a whirlwind! I’d be happy to go again!” he stated, highlighting the effectiveness of the trip in establishing crucial connections.

Roslewicz also recommended that other Delaware small businesses consider participating in future business trips with Export Delaware. “From talking to other people on the trip, it seemed like everyone was very pleased with the new contacts and distributors they met,” he shared, affirming the benefits of such initiatives.

This case study not only showcases SUMURI’s proactive strategy for global expansion but also highlights how Export Delaware is a vital partner in helping Delaware-based businesses explore and seize international opportunities effectively.


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